What to bring for your cardiac consultation
On your initial visit, ensure you have a referral from your GP or Specialist for medicare claim purpose
- This referral will cover all future visit for 3 months if you have been referred by a specialist, or 12 months if you have been referred by your general practitioner.
- After this period of time, a new referral will again be required
The results of recent investigations that you may wish to discuss with the doctor.
- This may include blood tests, cardiac tests, other imaging tests
- Please ensure you know which pathology and or imaging provider has performed the test. If the result is not at hand with you, the clinic has online access to some service providers. If you intend to discuss these results during the consultation, please ensure that a copy of the report has been received from the Service providers by the clinic and is available for viewing and discussion during the consultation
Your medications or webster pack
- Every visit, it is recommended that you bring in your actual medications together with their lists. The latter can be less accurate, and can be verified when the actual medications are brought in. Alternatively if you use a Webster pack, please bring in the Webster pack.